Medical Malpractice Attorney

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Dallas Medical Malpractice Attorney

Medical Malpractice:

Dallas Medical Malpractice Attorney

If you ask a Dallas medical malpractice attorney his opinion about the quality of medicine being practiced in a Dallas hospital and he or she will tell you it is worse than you would ever believe. The medical malpractice attorney in Dallas, Texas and medical malpractice attorneys across the country have seen the sad, devastating effects that substandard medicine has caused in their clients’ lives. Recently, medical malpractice has become a hot media topic. Headlines read: “Dallas medical malpractice attorney sues Dallas hospital." "Dallas medical malpractice lawyer sues Dallas doctor for medical malpractice over the death of client." "Medical malpractice attorney settles claim on behalf of paraplegic client with medical malpractice insurance company for several million dollars."

Big business directives have led to increases in medical malpractice

Medical malpractice victims are paying the price as medical care has become Big Business. In Dallas, Texas and across the country, doctors and hospitals are being told how to practice medicine by corporate boards. Through practice and financing, the insurance companies are setting doctors and hospital fees. They are also dictating the tests and procedures that they will allow through policy coverage. In addition, these same insurance companies are then refusing to pay medically necessary procedures even though they are ordered by competent doctors. Insurance companies attempt to hide the truth behind smoke screens of paid advertisements. This has been on the mind of any good Dallas medical malpractice attorney. The public at large is affected by the dreadful effects of Big Business of Medicine.

It is not the victim of medical malpractice that is at fault for rising premiums

The Dallas medical malpractice victim seeking justice for their devastated lives is not at fault for increasing the rates of insurance or causing medical malpractice premiums to rise. Insurance company lawyers point at the medical malpractice attorney filing medical malpractice lawsuits and to redirect and hide their inexcusable actions, falsely state that the lawsuits are the cause of these premiums to rise. However, it is the Big Business of Medicine that produces dead or permanently disabled medical malpractice victims. Big Business of Medicine is killing as many as 200,000 people a year and injuring as many as 2 million others through medical malpractice.

Do you have questions? Contact our Dallas Medical Malpractice Attorney today.

Located in Dallas, Texas, the law firm provides the best medical malpractice litigation due to his own experience as a doctor. Attorney the law firm understands the reality behind a medical malpractice grievance – Insurance companies will pay anything to defend the substandard medicine that they are responsible for creating. The Dallas medical malpractice law firm is willing to finance and take on this fight. He brings the resources and experience to level the playing field so our clients get their opportunity at trial and are able to recover the substantial sums of money necessary to provide for their own care or the care of their loved ones into the future.

Practice Areas: Medical Malpractice, Hospital Mistakes, Hospital Negligence, Surgical Injuries, Cancer Misdiagnosis, Birth Injuries, Medication Errors, Wrongful Death, Improper Medication, Emergency Room Negligence, Failure to Diagnose, Traumatic Brain Injury, Spinal Cord Injury

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